Kinnett, Doug. MARC Train to West Virginia. Acrylic and Oil on Canvas. 1996.

Doug Kinnett

MARC Train to West Virginia, 1996

Acrylic and Oil on Canvas

31 × 34 inches

This painting is in memory of Job Corp students who were killed in a train wreck in 1998. In the futurist Manifesto of 1910, F. T. Marinetti's rallying cry was 'We maintain that the splendors of the world have been enriched by a new beauty: the beauty of speed.'' In contest, Doug's painting suggest that the powers of nature are supreme.

About the Artist

Doug Kinnett is a visual artist who prefers the abstract over the real, the decorative over the minimalist. He creates bold, colorful works that emerge from his imagination,life experiences, and travels. Based in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, in his Manna Machine Studio, Doug works in a variety media: including oil paintings, woodcuts, ceramics, metal, and wood.

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